Drilling & Resource
Constantia to date has completed 21,165m of drilling in 33 drill holes (total drilling by Constantia and previous owners totals 35,500m in 75 drill holes). Every drill hole within the deposit had long intersections >0.30% CuEQ (up to 960m) of contiguous Cu-Mo-Ag mineralization. High-grade (>0.50% CuEQ) intersections are widespread, up to 285m in length, with values to >0.80% CuEQ.
- Assays Completed:
- New Constantia Drilling: 6,251 samples
- Resampling historical core: 2,721 samples
- Control Samples: 1,658 samples
- Results:
- Validated historical results & confirmed grade continuity
- Extended resource laterally
- Extended resource to depth
- Obtained full-spectrum geochemical data
- Developed detailed geological models
Inferred Mineral Resource
1.Mineral Resources have an effective date of March 2016; David Gaunt, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person responsible for the Mineral Resource estimate.
2.Copper Equivalent grade calculated as price equivalency using the following metal prices: Copper - $3.10/lb, Molybdenum - $12/lb, Silver - $20/oz, Re - $4,000/lb, Gold - $1,300/oz.
3.This study indicates that the mineral resources are amenable to open pit mining methods and have been constrained using an optimized pit. 4.Mineral Resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.